Stars and Galaxies

Course Syllabus
ABCD Voting Card

All but a handful of the objects you see in the night sky are stars in our Galaxy, the Milky Way. Although we know about these stars only from studying their light, we know today that they are not just points of light, but large, gravitationally‐bound balls of plasma governed by the laws of physics. Stars, together with dust, gas, and dark matter, are found in larger structures – galaxies. In turn, galaxies, are located in even larger structures called galaxy groups and galaxy clusters. In this course, we will study the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies and, through this study, gain insight into how the large scale structure of the universe has changed since its formation nearly 14 billion years ago.

We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join both of the Fall 2020 Stars and Galaxies channel: #fall2020-starsandgalaxies.

We will meet as a class over Slack every Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12:10pm.

The schedule for the course is below. Note that links to the lectures, problem sets, and labs will become active as the term goes on.

Week OfLecture / DiscussionReadingProblem Sets
October 19Foundations + Light
October 23 Videos
Ch. 1 & 5Problem Set 1
October 26Light + The Sun & Other Stars
October 27 Videos
October 30 Videos
Ch. 5, 14- 15Problem Set 2
November 2Stars & Stellar Evolution
November 3 Videos
Ch. 15-18Problem Set 3
November 9Stars & Stellar Evolution (cont.)Ch 15-18Problem Set 4
November 16The Milky Way & Other Galaxies
November 17 Video
November 20 Video
Ch. 19-20Problem Set 5
November 23Galaxy Environments
November 24 Video
Ch. 21Problem Set 6
November 30Dark Matter & Dark Energy
December 1 Videos
Ch. 23Problem Set 7
December 7CosmologyCh. 22