The Physics of Sound

ABCD Voting Card
Research Project Assignment Sheet

Physically, sound is simply the compression of air around us. However, this relatively simple description obscures a much richer understanding of sound. From how different sounds are generated and perceived to how different sounds can combine to make something new to how to design acoustically pleasant spaces, the physics of sound plays a key role. This course is about the fundamentals that underlie sound and is designed to serve as an introduction to those who are interested in going further. We will discuss wave theory, sound propagation, constructive and destructive interference, beats, and resonance, among other ideas. This course will be mixed between a lecture/discussion and a hands-on lab and students will be expected to design their own final project extending the ideas of the course.

We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join both of the Fall 2022 Physics I channel (#fall2022-sound).

Our textbook for the class is: Physics and Music: The Science of Musical Sound, by White & White

We will meet:
Tuesdays from 8:30am to 12:10pm in Dickinson 232 

DateTopicProblem SetLab
September 13Fundamentals of Waves and SoundProblem Set 1Lab 1
September 20Interference, Resonance, and BeatsProblem Set 2Lab 2
September 27Vibrating StringsProblem Set 3
October 4Musical InstrumentsLab 3
October 11Electronics + AcousticsProblem Set 4
October 18Acoustics + Final Projects