Quantum Mechanics

ABCD Voting Card

The microscopic world is fundamentally different from the macroscopic one we encounter on a daily basis. The classical view of particles, mass, and even location break down at the smallest scales. The development of quantum mechanics as a field in the 1920s was a fundamental leap forward for our understanding of atomic physics. Countless current technologies and scientific disciplines rely on the principles predicted by the quantum model. Despite this, quantum mechanics is deeply weird. Particles do not exist solely as particles, but also as waves. Fundamental physical properties such as position, momentum, energy, and time are subject to uncertainties that have nothing to do with measurement precision and everything to do with fundamental universal limits. In this course, we will discuss atomic physics, the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, the application of the Schrödinger equation, and quantum mechanical models of atoms.

Textbook: Quantum Physics: A Fundamental Approach to Modern Physics by Townsend

Slack: We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join the #spring2022-quantum channel.

The planned schedule for the course is given below. Note that the “Problem Sets” column will be updated with the most recent problem sets as the term goes on.

Week ofTopicReadingProblem Sets
February 14Foundations/WavesTownsend Ch. 1.1Problem Set 1
February 21Light as Waves and ParticlesTownsend Ch. 1.2-1.8, 7.6Problem Set 2
February 28Matter as Waves and ParticlesTownsend Ch. 2.1 – 2.2Problem Set 3
March 7The Schrödinger Equation & The Uncertainty PrincipleTownsend Ch. 2.3-2.4,
March 14Particle in a BoxTownsend Ch. 3.1 – 3.2Problem Set 4
March 21Eigenvalues & EigenstatesTownsend Ch. 3.3 – 3.4
March 28Review (Tuesday) / Midterm (Friday)
April 4One Dimensional Potentials (No Tuesday Class)Townsend Ch. 4Problem Set 5
April 11One Dimensional Potentials (cont.)Townsend Ch. 4
April 18One Dimensional Potentials (cont.)Townsend Ch. 4Problem Set 6
April 25Principles of Quantum MechanicsTownsend Ch. 5Problem Set 7
May 2Principles of Quantum Mechanics (No Tuesday Class)Townsend Ch. 5
May 9Quantum Mechanics in 3DTownsend Ch. 6Problem Set 8
May 16Quantum Mechanics in 3DTownsend Ch. 6
May 23Final Exam (Tuesday, May 24)