Physics I


Physics is the study of what Newton called “the System of the World.” To know the System of the World is to know what forces are out there and how those forces operate on things. These forces explain the dynamics of the world around us: from the path of a falling apple to the motion of a car down the highway to the flight of a rocket from the Earth. Careful analysis of the forces that govern these motions reveal countless insights about the world around you and enable you to look at that world with new eyes.

We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join both of the Fall 2020 Physics I channels (#fall2020-physicsi-general and #fall2020-physicsi-official).

The general schedule we will try to follow in the course is a Friday to Thursday schedule. In short:

  • Before Friday morning: View the Lecture and do the reading for the week.
  • Friday Morning 9am-12pm: Online (Zoom) discussion section + Quiz/Exam
  • Tuesday or Wednesday of following week: Complete Lab on topic
  • Wednesday by 5pm: Turn in Problem Set from previous week

The schedule for the course is below. Note that links to the lectures, problem sets, and labs will become active as the term goes on.

Week OfLectureReadingProblem SetLab
August 31Foundations and One-Dimensional MotionCh. 1 & 2Problem Set 1
September 7Two-Dimensional MotionCh. 3Problem Set 2One Dimensional Motion
September 14Forces & Newton’s LawsCh. 4Problem Set 3Projectile Motion
September 21EnergyCh. 5Problem Set 4Newton’s Laws and Friction
September 28Momentum Ch. 6Problem Set 5Energy
October 5Rotational Motion and DynamicsCh. 7 & 8Problem Set 6Momentum
October 12Review: Tuesday, October 13
Final Exam: Wednesday, October 14

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