Modern Observational Techniques

ABCD Voting Card

How are we able to learn about the universe around us? All information astronomers gather about the universe comes to us in the form of light. Sensing this light can be as simple as looking up at a nearby star or as complex as pointing a computerized telescope with a state-of-the-art digital detector at a distant galaxy. This class will focus on observing with a focus on using digital detectors to measure astrophysical properties of distant objects. We will cover celestial coordinate systems, the design and operation of telescopes, digital detectors, and how modern astronomers extract scientific results from telescopic observations. Work for this course will consist of problem sets, exams, and observing labs, with a self-designed observing project serving as the culminating work. A significant component of this course will involve nighttime observing at Stickney Observatory, which can only be accomplished on clear nights. Because of changeable New England weather, students who enroll in this class will need to have flexible nighttime schedules.

Our textbook for the class is: To Measure the Sky

We will meet:
Mondays and Thursdays 1:30pm – 3:20pm for Lecture and Discussion (Dickinson 232)
A (TBD) Evening for practical observing experience

Tentative Schedule (Likely to Change)

Week ofTopicReadingProblem SetLab
September 2Light & PhotometryCh 1 & 9.5Variable Star Lab (Pt. 1)
Observing Signup
Shared Data Sheet
September 9Photometry & CoordinatesCh. 9.5 & 3
September 16Coordinates & TimeCh. 3Problem Set 1
September 23Spherical TrigonometryCh. 4
September 30CatalogsCh. 4
October 7Optics
(Exam 1 this week?)
Ch. 5
October 14Optics & Telescope DesignCh. 5 & 6  
October 21Detecting Light
(No Class Monday)
Ch. 7
October 28Detecting Light + CCDs
(No Class Thursday)
Ch. 7 & 8
November 4CCDsCh. 7 & 8
November 11Digital Image ProcessingCh. 9
November 18Image AnalysisCh. 9 & 10
November 25Exam #2
(No Class Thursday)
December 2SpectroscopyCh. 11
December 9Final Projects