Special Relativity

ABCD Voting Card

Classical physics describes the motions of large things moving at slow speeds. That description of the universe, which physicists used to describe the motion of objects from apples to planets for hundreds of years, does not hold for objects moving very fast. In this class, we will look at how traveling close to the speed of light affects the physical properties of objects. Amazingly, simple quantities such as length, time, and mass change dramatically when an object is traveling a significant fraction of the speed of light.

Textbook: Spacetime Physics (2nd Edition) by Taylor and Wheeler

Slack: We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join the #spring2022-specialrel channel.

The planned schedule for the course is given below. Note that the “Problem Sets” column will be updated with the most recent problem sets as the term goes on.

Week ofTopicReadingProblem Sets
February 14Spacetime IntervalCh. 1Problem Set 1
February 21Spacetime and FramesCh. 2 & 3Problem Set 2
February 28Spacetime & Frames / Lorentz TransformationsCh. 3 & “L”Problem Set 3
March 7Lorentz Transformations (No Thursday Class)Ch. “L”
March 14Twin Paradox + Regions of SpacetimeCh. 4, 5, 6Problem Set 4
(graph paper)
March 21Regions of Spacetime/MomenergyCh. 6, 7 & 8
March 28Basics of General Relativity / ExamCh. 9