Physics I

Course Syllabus
ABCD Voting Card
Equation Sheet

Physics is the study of what Newton called “the System of the World.” To know the System of the World is to know what forces are out there and how those forces operate on things. These forces explain the dynamics of the world around us: from the path of a falling apple to the motion of a car down the highway to the flight of a rocket from the Earth. Careful analysis of the forces that govern these motions reveal countless insights about the world around you and enable you to look at that world with new eyes.

We will be using the Bennington Physics Slack Workspace to communicate this term. Please make sure you join both of the Fall 2021 Physics I channel (#fall2021-physicsi).

Our textbook for the class is: Essentials of College Physics by Serway and Vuille

We will meet:
Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30am – 12:20pm for Lecture and Discussion (Dickinson 232)
Wednesdays from 9am – 12:10pm for Lab (Dickinson 238)

Week ofTopicReadingProblem SetLab
August 30FoundationsCh. 1Week 1 ProblemsFirst Week – No Lab
September 6Motion in One DimensionCh. 2Problem Set 1Lab Tools / Falling Bodies
September 13VectorsCh. 3.1 – 3.2Motion Lab
September 20Two-Dimensional MotionCh. 3.3 – 3.5Problem Set 2Projectiles
September 27Newton’s Laws of MotionCh. 4Problem Set 3Newton’s Laws
October 4Newton’s Laws, cont.Ch. 4Friction & Forces
October 11Midterm Exam (No Friday Class)  
October 18Work & EnergyCh. 5Problem Set 4Conservation of Energy
October 25MomentumCh. 6 & 7Problem Set 5Ballistic Motion
November 1Momentum + Angular MotionCh. 7Plan Day – No Lab
November 8Angular Motion  (No Tues. Class)Ch. 8Problem Set 6No Lab
November 15Angular DynamicsCh. 8Lab Project
November 22Angular Dynamics (cont.) No Lab or Friday Class)Ch. 8Thanksgiving – No Lab
November 29Angular DynamicsCh. 8Lab Project
December 6Review: December 7
Final Exam: December 8
 Final Exam During Lab Period